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Claudia Lefko & Mac Everett, Henry Street

Claudia: I really would like Mac to do a lot of the talking.

Mac: Yeah, good luck with that


 Mac: I feel I just put down a deep root here, and no matter what our, you know, ups and downs of marriage, neither of us could ever think we would ever leave this spot. So it became a very unifying thing in the family.

The whole thing of the MeadowsClaudia & Mac
00:00 / 03:33
Stink Stink StinkClaudia & Mac
00:00 / 00:39
Williams Street School MeetingClaudia & Mac
00:00 / 01:59

Claudia: What is now the conservation area, it was all cultivated. The playing field was always planted by Ed Glowaski. So there were still farmers who were doing small plot farming in the neighborhood, and also in the meadows and on Henry Street. When the corn started, everybody would go up and down the street saying, “It's here! The corn’s here!” 

Claudia: I think just all the issues that have arisen over the years have kind of knit the neighborhood together in a certain way. Not that we all agree with each other, or even that we all like each other, but it has brought us into into contact with each other. So we know who everybody is, we know what they're thinking about certain things. And so it creates this sort of familial situation where we're living together very peaceably. But we're different people with different ideas, you know, and I think that the nature of the our location has really made that situation.

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