Hans Leo, Valley Street
"We looked at all the four elementary schools, and both of us fell in love with Bridge Street School. There was just some some kind of vibe that was coming from the school. There were a lot of kids here then. And I think there were like at least four or five that were in Isabella's class at Bridge Street School. So she immediately had friends here that she could play with, and the kids were running around all over the street and the neighborhood, and that field was in use often for softball and soccer. So it was really it was a good place for for Izzy to grow up in."

"There's only one Earth there's only one biosphere. This is the place that we as human beings can exist in. It's in the perfect distance from the Sun. It has a beautiful moon. It has a sky full of stars."
"You can do what you want to do. There's many places where you're not allowed to dry your wash outside. This is special. We always say we live on the other side of the railroad tracks."